Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Common Classroom Rewards

Encouraging your child to do well is essential for school success. In order for your child to do his or her best in the classroom he or she must have both internal and external motivators. Sometimes it is easy for your child's teacher to find what helps motivate your child and sometimes it is a difficult task. Teacher's have many demands on them. Brainstorming ideas with your child's teacher on ways to motivate your child maybe helpful to him or her.

Classroom Rewards:
Homework Reduction
Physical Contact (Hugs, Pats)
Playing game with friend
Computer Access
Additional Recess
Free time in class
Class Jobs
Field Trip
Class games
A Certificate/ Play money
Small toys
Breakfast/lunch with teacher
Reading Special Magazine or book
Listen to music on tape recorder
Working with clay or play dough
Special pen or paper
Leading in a game
Being first in line
Show and Tell
Audiotaping a story for the class
Lunch with favorite teacher
Working on art project
Being allowed to clean chalkboards
Going to library
Being able to help in the office

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