Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is this Normal?

Often parents ask me "Is it normal for my child to..." and sometimes my answer puts them at ease and other times it does not. I came across a chart in a parenting magazine that I have found helpful and thought you may find the information helpful as well. One thing thing that I tell many of the parents I work with to do when they are worried about whether or not something their child is or is not doing is "normal" is to start reading about child development. There are many resources that will give guidance on the web and in books. If you are ever concerned and need to talk to someone there are many skilled therapist in the area that can help meet your needs.

Lying is typical between the ages of 3-6 years old and is problematic when is consistent between these ages or during older ages.

Stealing is typical between the ages of 3-5 years and is problematic when it is excessive or at older ages.

Lack of bowel and bladder control is typical during infancy, toddlerhood, and occasional night time bed-wetting until late elementary. It is problematic during the older elementary school years, when it is excessive, or thought to be "deliberate" during the day.

Temper tantrums is typical between 11 months and 4 years old and is problematic when it is excessive or violent or when the child is older.

Lack of remorse is typical during preschool years, and occasionally at 4-8 years old it is problematic when an older child is not remorseful.

Information found in: Adoptive Families

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